How do I place an order?

Please use the custom order request page to submit all orders.

How much are your cookies?

Please see the prices tab above.

Can I place an order if I don’t know my theme yet?

Yes! You can have your date held on my calendar if you do not know your cookie theme. Please keep in mind that I will need your theme at least 2 weeks ahead of planned pick up date.

How much notice do I need to give for ordering cookies?

As soon as you know what date you’re needing it is best to just contact me. I can go ahead and get you on my books even if you are not sure of the theme yet. I do need a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for custom orders.

Do you offer refunds?

Refunds and cancellations are required 14 business days prior to your pickup date. No refunds will be given for cookies that have already been made.

Can you provide me a gluten-free or nut-free option?

Both options are available upon request. We are a licensed home kitchen, if allergy is severe, I would advise against it.

Can I freeze your cookies?

Yes! Cookies freeze very well! To freeze the cookies, you will very carefully place them in a tub or Ziploc bag. Rather than stacking them on top of one another, try stacking them on their sides. Take them out of the freezer the night before you'll be needing them. DO NOT open the container or Ziploc until the cookies are completely thawed.

Are your sugar cookies flavored?

Yes! Original flavor is butter sugar cookie with a hint of lemon. We also offer other flavors specified on order request form!